RINO Matt Robinson and the Trouble with Texas Schools

RINO Matt Robinson and the Trouble with Texas Schools


If you live in Galveston County Precinct 4, you’ll notice your stalwart Commissioner Ken Clark has drawn a curious opponent on the Republican primary ballot: Dr. Matt Robinson of Friendswood. Matt Robinson currently serves on the State Board of Education (SBOE) representing District 7, but now he has his sights set on plundering through the Commissioner’s Court.

The good doctor must be getting confused in his later years, as there’s no way he can call himself a Republican with a straight face. Even the biggest hair and the pointiest hat can’t hide his RINO horn, as evidenced by Matt Robinson’s voting record in the SBOE.

Anti-Charter School = Anti-Parent Choice

It’s no secret that Matt Robinson has fought tirelessly against parents who want to choose the schools that are best for their children. He staunchly opposes charter schools, which provide an alternative to students who are not thriving at failing government schools. For some children, charter schools can mean the difference between lifting themselves out of poverty through education, or being trapped in an endless cycle of hand-to-mouth scrabbling or a life of crime.

For Matt Robinson, charter schools force government schools to step up their game and actually educate children, and we can’t have that. Like a good RINO, he wants our children as ignorant as possible. He’s adamantly opposed to charter schools and didn’t want any new ones in 2020 – this was while government-run schools were piddling about and contemplating not reopening in the fall.

And in June 2021, Dr. Robinson voted against six out of seven charter schools. You’ll notice who thanks him for it: the Texas AFT, the Texas arm of the American Federation of Teachers, which fought tirelessly against students all of last year to keep schools closed. Does the name Randi Weingarten ring a bell?

CRT and SEL Divide Our Children

But even more concerning is Matt Robinson’s opposition to Texas values and the official Republican Party of Texas platform. While critical race theory (CRT) is theoretically banned in schools, a more insidious curriculum has crept in: social emotional learning, or SEL.

Matt Robinson supports CRT

On the surface, SEL sounds so nice! We’re going to teach our children life skills and how to be kind to one another! But it’s a Trojan horse for CRT. We’ve all seen the stories: Panorama, Second Step, and other SEL curriculums all bring in “diversity” and “equity.” They don’t teach children how to be kind to each other; they teach children that they are fundamentally different due to the amount of melanin in their skin. Second Step is also anti-family. Other SEL programs, like Leader in Me, are almost cult-like. And there is no evidence that these programs do any good for students. Yet despite the learning loss from pandemic-related school closures, Matt Robinson sees no problem with wasting our children’s time and our tax dollars on these programs.

The LGBTQ Alphabet Soup and Radical Sex Ed

In November 2020, Texas values won out in the sex ed curriculum being taught in public schools – no thanks to SBOE member Matt Robinson. He regularly sided with Democrats on the hotly debated topics, to the point where it was noted:

“Matt Robinson would vote for liberal policies that are in conflict with the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) platform.”

Thankfully, Republicans prevailed to keep gender fluidity and radical sex ed topics out of the minimum standards being taught at school. If this makes you squirm, it should. This attempt by the Democrats to subvert parental authority and family values was very clear.

Now, Matt Robinson thinks he has a shot at being on the Commissioner’s Court in Galveston County. Ironically, RINO Robinson uses “Integrity” as one of the issues in his campaign:

“Your candidate should represent your values.”

Take a long, hard look at how Matt Robinson has voted on the SBOE, which delivers curriculum to our most vulnerable residents: our children. And ask yourself, does RINO Robinson represent your values?

Matt Robinson idolizes Liz Cheney, the ultimate RINO